Monday, August 3, 2009

First Things

My latest foray into the social net. I love to twitter, and its short aphoristic style suits me. I do facebook, a little, but there are a few things about it that bother me. I never did myspace, and don't see a reason to do so. But I have kept a private journal for a long time, and feel like publishing a little in cyberspace. So here goes.

The greatest inspiration for doing this has been a twitter that I follow, and his blog, blogofinnocence. Check it out. He keeps his style and focus very well, I like the art he chooses, and he makes me think. Kudos. I hope I can do the same here.

I'm going to work hard to give this blog a good look, but it will take some time. There are artists, writers and musicians I would like to draw attention to, with illustrations and clips and the like. I don't know how to do that. But I'll learn.

1 comment:

  1. It took me a few minutes to figure out who this was! Lol. I think your blog will be fantastic. You're an amazing and articulate person. Thanks for commenting my blog. =)
